
的 timeline for processing the 2024-2025 FAFSA applications has been affected by all of the changes brought on by FAFSA Simplification.  的 Department of Education delayed the timeline for providing colleges and universities across the country with processed FAFSA information for students.  因此,我们修订了2024-2025年FAFSA申请人的估计时间表:

  • 3:  BSU将开始接收学生申请人的FAFSA数据.
  • 5月下旬:  BSU will notify students regarding additional information requests to complete the financial aid application.  Freshman applications that are complete will begin to receive preliminary financial aid offers.
  • 7月:  2024年秋季账单和官方财政援助将在esservices上提供.  学生将能够最终确定奖项,申请学生贷款等.

我们要强调的是,虽然接收信息的时间已经改变, 由此产生的援助资格不应因这些延误而改变.


成功地接受经济援助需要完成一些步骤. 下面,我们为即将入学的学生展示了典型的路径. 如果您遇到任何问题,请与 财政援助办事处.

免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA)将于10月1日开始. 所有联邦和州的援助项目, 请尽快填写此申请表.




You must be admitted as a degree-seeking student before your financial aid application can be processed. 入学申请可以在网上或通过BSU招生办公室完成. 提交你的高中成绩单, as well as official academic transcripts from all other colleges that you have previously attended, 波士顿州立大学招生办公室. 我们的申请是全年免费的.


要申请联邦和州财政援助,你需要填写 FAFSA. 完成FAFSA是免费的, easy to complete and gives you access to the largest sources of financial aid to pay for college.

Be sure to include the 贝米吉州立大学 School Code of 002336 so we get your information.

不知道从哪里开始?  查看这些有用的信息 视频.


在线FAFSA可以在这里找到. 您将需要使用您的FSA ID登录(如果这是您的第一次,请创建一个新ID)。. 这可以用来登录许多不同的教育部网站, 所以一定要记住这个ID和密码.

转学: 如果你已经提交了其他学校的FAFSA, remember to add BSU’s school code 002336 to your FAFSA and ask the school you are transferring from to cancel any pending financial aid.



还记得为了获得经济援助,你必须每年完成FAFSA. FAFSA每年10月1日开始,为即将到来的学年提供服务.

2024年秋季 & 2025年春季-完成2024-2025年FAFSA

2024年夏季将于5月13日开始,7月26日结束. 所有BSU暑期课程加起来只被认为是一个学期的经济援助, 登记及开票用途. Books charging at the on-campus bookstore will begin approximately 1 month prior to the start of summer and end on May 17, 2024. Summer financial aid offers will be processed beginning late March and summer disbursement will begin on May 24.


  1. 在提交BSU夏季财政援助申请之前注册所有夏季课程.
  2. 已经提交了 2023 - 2024年FAFSA 以及其他需要的文件.
  3. 完成 2024年夏季财政援助申请
  4. 春季学期结束后,满足财政援助要求.



Your Summer financial aid offer is based on the total credits that you are registered for as stated on your summer application. 你的经济援助预算将基于你注册课程的周数. 你的住房, transportation and personal expense budgets will be prorated for the length of time you are enrolled in classes.

Please contact the 财政援助办事处 immediately if you do not end up taking the credits you indicated on the Summer FA Application. 你可能会失去或不得不偿还你的经济援助.

这将包括在课程开始日期之前退课, 从任何或所有班级退学, 取消课程或任何其他注册变更.


Summer Federal Pell Grant may be available to undergraduate students who have not yet met their program limit. 的 award will depend on your enrollment for the Fall and Spring terms and how many credits you are enrolled in during the Summer.


  1. You are regularly 符合条件的 for a Pell Grant and were enrolled full-time in both the Fall and Spring semesters. 获得夏季佩尔助学金, 你必须在夏季学期至少修满6个学分(注册时间为半天).
  2. You are regularly 符合条件的 for a Pell Grant and you were not enrolled full-time in the Fall or Spring semesters. 为了获得夏季佩尔奖学金,你可以在夏季学期修任意数量的学分.


一些院系在暑假雇佣学生全职工作. 的se positions can be rewarding and help build experience along with providing funds for your educational expenses. 所有学生都是在夏季通过常规工资基金聘用的. Students must either be enrolled in at least 6 credits during the Summer or enrolled for the Fall semester to be employed on campus during the summer.

的 财政援助办事处 will send an email to your BSU student email 账户 notifying you when your financial aid offer is available to view or print from your 电子商务 账户. 这是非常重要的,你激活你的学生电子邮件帐户,并定期检查. Students have the ability to track the progress of their financial aid application and view their financial aid offer online. 要访问您的经济援助信息,请登录 电子商务 网站.

  • 登入MyBSU,选择“电子服务”.
  • 从左边的菜单中选择“经济援助”.
  • 获奖年份将会被展示出来. 如果有必要,你可以更改学期.

您可以查看您的经济援助状态和经济援助通知(奖励通知), 还有你的账单. 我们鼓励您打印它们并保留副本以备记录.


一旦你收到一封电子邮件通知,查看你的经济援助报价,登录你的 电子商务 账户. 从左边的菜单中选择“经济援助”; choose the appropriate semester; then click on Award Notification.

BSU财政援助指南2024-2025会给你额外的信息,让你更好地了解你的奖项, 援助类型和其他一般性问题.

如果您的注册计划发生了变化, 请联系财政援助办公室重新处理您的申请.


COA并不代表学生的实际房间, 董事会, 交通或其他个人费用. 的 allowable portion for educational-related expenses is the same for all students to assure that all are treated equally and fairly in the processing and awarding of Federal and State financial aid. Expenses in excess of the standard COA amounts will need to be financed with non-educational funds such as savings, 校外就业收入, 或者从家庭成员或私人贷款人那里获得个人贷款.


学费* $ 4,497
费用* * $ 602
书籍及用品 $ 445
食宿*** $ 5,608
个人杂项开支 $ 1,500
$ 12,652
$ 25,304

*2024-2025 tuition rates are based on actual 2023-2024 costs and will not adjust for the 2024-2025 award year.


***住房和食品费用反映了2024-2025年预计的价格上涨. 该税率将于2024年7月最终确定. 这些费用包括在学生的出勤费用中, 当他们住在BSU校园或住在校外(不与父母住在一起).

助学金和奖学金是赠与资助,不需要偿还. 请参阅的综合列表 格兰特 我们网站上的节目及其描述. If your financial aid offer contains 格兰特s please be aware that your exact credits determine your eligibility for certain programs.

如果您计划更改您的注册,请与我们的办公室联系. 如果你在学期的前30天内退了一门或几门课, 你的佩尔助学金将减少到新的入学水平. 如果你的经济援助包括勤工俭学,你可以在网站上搜索职位空缺 学生就业网页. 部门会列出工作职责和新葡京博彩官网的简要说明.

有关接受和申请联邦贷款资金的更多信息,请参见 贷款.

如果你正在获得额外的私人奖学金, 第三方代理付款, 或豁免, 请在“电子服务”中提示“报告其他援助”时填写此信息. An email will be sent to you if revised awards have resulted in a change to your eligibility for federal or state financial aid.

All fully approved funds (excluding 工作研究) will first be credited to your BSU student 账户 on approximately the 10th class day of each semester. 你会想要建立一个直接存款

  1. 我们知道把你的援助送到哪里
  2. 你得到了及时的帮助.


  1. 登录到 电子商务 并在左侧的菜单中选择“学生就业”.
  2. 选择“直接存款设置”.”
  3. 输入您的银行信息.

瞧. #做.

你的钱是你生活中很大的一部分. 它可以决定你能做什么,你能去哪里. Learning how to manage your money the right way is an important step toward taking control of your life. Making wise money management decisions while in school will help prevent the need to live like a college student after graduation. 永远记住“需要”和“想要”的区别. 尽可能多地工作和储蓄,将学生贷款降至最低. 需要信用卡的学生应该申请一张没有年费的信用卡, 余额限额为500美元或以下, 只在紧急情况下使用,每个月支付全部余额.



虽然学生贷款可能是你教育资金的一部分, 在你借钱之前要考虑两件事:

  1. 你需要多少钱来支付你的教育费用
  2. 你离开学校后每月要还多少贷款.


在你的奖励通知上列出的任何贷款都只是你的一个指标 符合条件的 借而不是你自己 要求 借. It indicates the maximum allowable amount that you can borrow from federal student loans; you can always borrow . 还记得, 你可以在整个学年的任何时间借,并要求额外的贷款, 如果需要, 在以后的日子. 新葡京博彩官网借钱的一些有用提示:

  • 只借你需要的东西.
  • 把你所有的贷款都记录下来.
  • 如果你在上学期间借了一笔有利息的贷款, 支付利息(如果可能).
  • Start making payments on your loan as soon as you can; even during school (if possible).
  • 如果您的联系信息有任何变化,请通知您的贷款服务机构.
  • 如果你不能支付你的月供, 请立即联系您的贷款服务机构寻求帮助.
  • 在支付你的教育费用时,主要目标应该是把你的债务降到最低.

你可以在网上查看你的联邦直接学生贷款记录 studentaid.政府.

Students need to opt in to receive text messages from BSU departments regarding dates and deadlines as it pertains to registration, 财政援助和账单.

开始—— 拿出你的手机,去www.bemidjistate.,登入你的电子服务系统,并按以下步骤操作:

  1. 点击“账户管理”.’

  2. 点击“打开或关闭短信”.’

  3. 点击“读 & 接受.’

  4. 阅读条款和条件,然后点击“接受”.’

  5. 点击贝米吉州立大学,然后点击“保存学校信息”.’

  6. 对你的手机号码进行必要的修改. 选择您的“服务提供商”,然后单击“保存单元格信息”.’

  7. 您的手机将收到一条带有密码的短信.

  8. 在PIN框中输入您收到的PIN,然后单击Save.

  9. 您现在可以接收来自BSU部门的短信. You can opt-out of receiving text messages by following steps 1 and 2 and turning the text messaging off.

如果你的手机套餐只覆盖一定数量的短信, your cell phone service provider may charge you for any text messages from BSU if you are beyond your allotment for the month. Receiving text messages from BSU should not cost you anything if you have unlimited texting on your cell phone plan.